I have the best friends. Really. Like you might think you have cool friends but if you met all of mine you'd want to be friends with them instead of yours. They're that great.

I'm so thankful that these friends have come back to camp this summer. They make me laugh and we take care of each other and they make me want to be a better person.
My camp friends have become my second family. I started working 7 years ago and no one from that first day camp staff is still working today. Yes, it's been hard to have friends leave each summer but I've gained more friends along the way.

dc2k5 love. I haven't seen some of these girls in years and some I talk to pretty consistently but I know that we could all meet up tomorrow and it would be like no time had passed.

Colleen Drasga is like no one else I have ever met. She always made me feel like I could be a great counselor and friend- even when she's screaming at people trying to win at cranium.

"Hi. We're Sarah, Sara, Sarah and guess." "Sarah?" "Nope, Carolyn" These three are people I know that I can always count on.

In 2007 Eric and I became Pathfinder Coord partners. We then worked together in both 2008 and 2009 with the CILTs. In those 3 summers I learned so much about being a counselor from him, laughed hysterically when our campers did and said crazy things, and experienced some of my favorite camp days with him.

Sarah Roberts was one of the best counselors I ever got to watch. She got to known every single one of her girls, had incredible character, lead by example, and loved camp and all that it stood for. I'll never forget her asking me for chocolate EVERY SINGLE day even though I never had any. She was never good at staying in touch but has quit facebook and changed her phone number and we're worried that we'll never find her again.

Lil and Moll both started working Day Camp the summer after me. Molly giggles like nobody's business. Lil took a long time to get to know but is now one of my favorite people. I think she is brave and creative and incredibly loyal. I miss her being at camp this summer.

Sarah Fitzpatrick is one of the coolest people I've ever met. She has not only worked with Katie Couric and been published in the Washington Post, but has also tromped around Chicago for hours with me to find the perfect hamburger and walked all over camp to talk about the craziness in our lives and take the time to sit and pray and took me kayaking on the Potomac River when I visited her in Washington D.C. and challenged me to be a better counselor, friend, and person.

During staff training 2007 I went up to this girl at the salad bar line. Her name is Rachel but I prefer to call her Racher. She has been one of my most consistent friends in the past three years and has been such a blessing.

Then I met my friend Emily and it was like she'd always been working with the rest of us. I love how she is so laid back but always up for anything. I love that she tells her friends that she loves them.

Libby was one of my "adopt-a-cabin" kids when I was a CILT in 2003. She was one of the reasons I wanted to become a counselor. Then last summer we were counselor partners in the Longhouse. She is actually one of my longest camp friends. I'm so excited for her to be a resident counselor this summer.

Which brings us back to today. I love my friends.