I often pose the question if you had to choose 3 words to sum up your life, or what's important to you what would you pick?
Tonight I think, "Eat, Pray, Love" is a really great option.

I read the book while on Safari in Africa because I thought I should be reading a book about world-traveling while world traveling. I loved "eat", got bored during "Pray", and thought "Love" was pretty good. When I found out Julia Roberts was going to be playing LIz I couldn't wait to see the film. Tonight I got to watch it while sitting next to 3 of my very best friends. (They're the "Love" portion of today.)

When I watch a great movie like this I have to write down the perfect lines. These stood out to me tonight:
"Don't look with the eyes in your head. Look through the eyes of your heart so you see yourself beautiful."
"Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation."
"Groceries, I think you might have the capacity to love the whole world one day."
"When you set out into the world to help yourself sometimes you end up helping tutti...everybody."

I hope that whatever journey you're on, whether it takes you across the globe, across the country, or just a few miles from home, that you find what you need and that you love the people you meet along the way.
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