Really it's not her birthday at all. She's a teacher down the hall who makes me laugh and loves books and teaching and being kind of ridiculous all the time. The bell rang, the kids filed into the school, and the experiment began.
Only 30 minutes later she emailed me telling me it wasn't her birthday.
An hour later she told me that I was crazy.
Between 2nd and 3rd hour I could her yelling in the hallway, "IT ISN'T MY BIRTHDAY!"
Then at the start of 3rd she came to my room and tried to get my kids to sing Happy Birthday to me but they weren't buying into her reverse-ploy. She told me she was going to "get me back" and I tried to explain to her, "This is a good thing- don't you want to have TWO birthdays?" She said no but all the kids nodded that yes, they would love to have two birthdays. I adviced to stop e-mailing back every single person to tell them it wasn't her birthday and to just enjoy all the extra love and attention.
She walked out the door and immediatly my kids asked if they could give her presents. We compromised and decided to spend 5 minutes making birthday cards. After all, this is composition class and learning to write a birthday card is imperative to their education.
During passing period the birthday mafia all walked to Mrs. Craig's room together to deliver the cards. Still resisting the pseudo-birthday she dumped their Crayola artwork into the recycling bin. (Insert gasp here.)
As far as I know people continued to tell her Happy Birthday the rest of the day and she got a pencil as a gift from one innocent 7th grade boy.
Secretly, I think she loved the whole thing.
Yes! That is awesome. I wish I was in your class :)