Thursday, July 19, 2012

"That applause was for y'all."

Thursday morning our prayers were answered when we woke up to a crack of thunder and then looked out the window to a downpour of rain over Main Field. It made our breakfast in bed plans a little tricky and chapel was indoors but it was okay because we so needed the rain.

We put the CILTs on bus and took them to a mystery location--they guessed Dairy Queen, bowling and the movies...

But we ended up at Arielle's house! Our original plan was to traverse the river on this morning because the water was so low but taking a bus worked out just fine. We ate snacks and played Family-- Courtney won the game as Taylor Swift!

Before lunch we had a singing and dancing session on the Longhouse porch.

I loved watching Tera dancing with a girl from her adopted cabin and making her feel so special. For the past two weeks Tera has been a constant source of positivity, kindness, creativity and laughter in this group. She is a gem.

As time winds down, these kids are all about hanging out together. I found these four out on the porch during rest hour having a little photo shoot. I played their photographer for a couple minutes before telling them they had to go back inside and try to sleep.

Wylie is the youngest of the Welch family and the last one in River Village. She is so precious and I love getting to hang out with her. She is so smart and so aware, talks with her are always great.

Our cook-out was brought indoors and it turned into a hot dog and watermelon dance party. I sat with Burke and the rest of Illinois cabin. Week 6 is full of awesome kids in every cabin. I love when Burke is goofy and Carolyn embraces life every second...

how Megan is goofy and Nicole is so great, Blazer boys concentrating on their gymp...

Olivia's spunk, Arielle and Catawba babes, and Camp T original dance moves.

We taught the CILTs how to trade at the Trading Post and got some quality merchandise in return for what we gave them. I was particularly pleased with the stationary, glow sticks and gymp fish this week.

The rest of the night turned into a scavenger hunt of sorts for people I really love. I got to hang out with Nicole Murino during Trading Post and talk about our weeks. She's been here for the past two weeks but I wish she could stay all summer.

I'm so thankful for my friendship with Kristyn Burke. She is so consistent and such a dependable friend. I love having Caroline here--we decided when she was a Blazer that we could be twins because we had matching eyes and smiles, but our friendship has lasted since then. I love when I can cross paths with her this week.

All of Seminole rocks this week. I knew seven of them before this week and have gotten to know the other three since they arrived. I got to hang out with them for about twenty minutes tonight and it was just so fun--Josie getting people to play Gorilla, Alex and Caroline helping us get through our Scavenger Hunt, Emily showing us hip-hop moves.

We decided tomorrow we'll look for souvenirs from our day and then trade them when we get to closing campfire. I love having projects and things to look forward to.
p.s. Alex Defreeuw is really funny with his guys.

Lora was in Choctaw with Arielle and I last summer. She is so fun and creative and I loved being pen-pals with her this past year.

We got to see Tera and Amy, two of the Warrior CILTs, who are just so much fun. I'm always excited when I get to see Finney Baby for a minute. I wish I could hang out with her more.

The older Welch sisters Jackie and Lucy are in Lake Village with their cousin Abby. All of these girls have such kind hearts and are all about Camp Tecumseh.

Olivia has been a camper for as long as I can remember and knows this place like the back of her hand. I met Alex three summers ago and she is always so nice.

Anna has a beautiful soul. She is on crutches this summer because of her broken foot but she still always has a smile on her face. We're also really excited because next week we're going to Timber Wolf for Wyld Life camp together.

We made a pit-stop at the Day Camp overnight campfire. It was so fun to get to watch our old kids doing the skits and songs up front. They're so funny and really good at being counselors.

Alli Kenney and I just love Diet Coke and love each other.

Lizzy Dale is such a rockstar. I love having her here at camp this summer.

Natalie, Amanda, Tina and Soaps are hilarious. Enough said.

We wrote letters to our future selves during devotions tonight. It's an interesting thing to think about what you hope to take with you from this place, to recognize the changes that have happened in your character, to see how your faith has grown. My hope is always that these kids will take home this best version of themselves and that it will become who they really are all the time.

When we got back to the cabin we made my dreams come true and checked an item off my summer bucket list. I've always wanted to push all of our bunk beds together to have one long bed for just a night. The girls even convinced Jamie and I to sleep on the bunk at the end.

It was like one giant fort. Because I couldn't stop coughing or talk loud at all, Tera read the Puppies chapter of Cold Tangerines to us. It was a great day.

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