Thursday, October 25, 2012

"I know you can be underwhelmed, and I know you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?"

As of 2:45 this afternoon my Fall Break officially began. I'd spent the day in meetings with other teachers but now had freedom from school until Monday morning. I got a much needed visit from Arielle on her way through Indy and it was so good to just sit and talk with her. I miss spending all day every day together all summer long.

Kcraig and I planned a YL girl's movie night at her house since everyone was on break. Some people are away on trips and others already had plans with friends but I was so excited to see the faces of all of these girls come through the door.

We played Fishbowl first, one of my favorite YL/Tecumseh large group of games. The couch team dominated but it was fun to have everyone playing and hanging out together and eating massive amounts of popcorn.

Breaks are just the best. Most of the girls had already had lazy days with their friends, no one had homework or tests to rush home and study for, no soccer or volleyball games going on--just wide open time to hang out. We watched "10 Things I Hate About You" together and the girls fell in love with the cheesy romances, especially the scenes with Heath Ledger singing and dancing in the football stadium and Julia Stiles delivering her poem to her English class at the end of the movie.

I'm so thankful for Alex, Kcraig, Rachel, Ashley, Alissa, Hannah, Kylie, Haleigh, Audrey, Nat, Sophie, Maddy, Libby, Payton, Lucci, Kate, Emma Stoj, Emily, Hannah, Alli, Hayden, Grace, Natalie, Haley and Haley. Sometimes just hanging out and being goofy and not really doing anything at all in the perfect thing.

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