Sunday, August 14, 2016

"I found my compass app-- it was in a folder labeled Worthless."

Highs of the day:
1. Sleeping in-- God bless
2. Singing at Northview with the Woodward family on my right and then getting to see the Ruby's, Dewolf's and Renbarger's
3. Working on hanging up all my pictures from Summer 2016
4. Ellyn trying to use the compass app on her phone when we were navigating downtown Indy
5. Hanging out with Tecumseh friends and going duckpin bowling in Fountain Square
6. Dinner with Ellyn and her mother MK

Some days I write about Tecumseh, others about Young Life, often about friendships or faith. It's been going on for years now on this little blog and honestly there are days when I'm not sure why or what I have to contribute. But today I read these words from my fav Glennon Doyle Melton and I was encouraged to keep on keeping on.

"The answer is yes. You should write. Even though everything's already been said beautifully. Even though there's nothing new under the sun. Even so. Because there may be nothing new to say, but if you haven't spoken up yet-- then there is a new voice to hear. That's all we have-- our voices. No two are the same. No one sees the world quite like you do and no one else can tell us your story quite like you could. You are our only chance to know you. If you yearn to use your voice and you don't-- we will all suffer for it. Be brave. Be audacious enough to consider that your story is worth telling and your voice is worth hearing. Your story and your voice are worthy of occupying some space in this world. Take it, sister. Take your space." -Glennon Doyle Melton

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