Thursday, February 2, 2017

"She just compared you to Jesus."

You could hear Taylor Swift from all the way down the hall. The girls of FBC were lined up, forming a tunnel, and singing at the top of their lungs while waiting for our special guests. Both the Principal and Vice Principal of the Clubhouse were coming to visit Friendship Bracelet Club. 

"The name of the game is 200 paper clips," I announced. Soon Mr. Amones and Ms. Lippe realized they would have to step up their game if they were going to find any of the paper clips hidden around the auditeria before the girls snatched them all. 

The 8th grade girls were perfect hosts and friendship braceleting coaches. They took our admin under their wing and taught them all about cutting string, tying 4-knots and mastering the tornado.

I can't tell you how thankful I am to work in a building where both the Principal and Vice-Principal would come hang out at FBC, play the game, sit down with kids and eagerly ask to be taught something new. My girls were loving every bit of this situation and I know it's something we won't forget.

Tonight was a culinary adventure-- Thai Taste. For the first time, at least that I can remember, I tried all the culinary delights of Thai food including tofu, spring rolls and pud thai. It was far better than I expected and I felt quite brave. What should I try next?

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