We can't wait for later because NOW is the fun part. Here are some things and people I'm thankful for today.
A sister that loves me, supports me, draws with sidewalk chalk, reads voraciously, celebrates life, and trades funny student quotes with me.
A letter from my great friend Gabrie that was waiting in my mailbox when I got home today.
A student saying that our work with "About The Author" writings today was "fly."
Two girls telling me, after I told them I had a blog, that I should write, "I have these students that are really cool. They're really fun and nice".
Working on a new craft project to surprise a friend. (Now I've got to figure out how to get glue off of everything)
A brand-new Real Simple magazine to read!
A message from my friend Sarah who is currently teaching English to kids in South America (they love bananagrams there too).
My legs ache from the bike ride yesterday but it was totally worth it. I'm so lucky that I can do things like that and that I have friends to celebrate life with.
A text from a YL kid about windy day kite extravaganzas.
Even when life is hard and when I'm frustrated and I could be overwhelmed I want to choose to be happy and choose to be positive and choose to be patient and choose to make this the fun part. Everyday we get to choose.
YES!!! You used my picture! I LOVE that quote. Those are for sure words to live by. I want to have a whole big fun life that IS the fun part!