Kids and leaders work to raise money for kids to go to camp. It was really neat to see these three girls at the ice-cream war last night and than working hard today.
Our team of about 20 people was so fun. We wheel-barrowed and shoveled and raked mountains of mulch. This picture doesn't really depict that well since they're just throwing it into the woods.
When we finished mulching one of the moms got a flat tire. Of course we stepped in to help.
After removing all the lugnuts we still couldn't pull it off. So...we poured Coke on the tire to work through the rust.
It worked! David's kicking probably had something to do with it too.
Stephanie is the tye-dye queen. I've been waiting to learn her skills and new "scrunch" method.
Emily's intense tye-dye for her sister.
Evan, one of my friends Delphi HS, and I have semi-regular weekend dinner dates in Indy.
Ahhh! I love this all so much!!! You made me feel happier just by reading and I have already resolved to make my dreaded Monday the BEST DAY EVER! This last post just made me laugh out loud b/c it was all YL/tye-dye and then all of a sudden Evan popped up. Oh, hello!