I like to call her Dommer.
She doesn't like to be serious in pictures.
She has been playing piano since she was 5. Almost everyone I know took piano lessons at some point in their lives-- but we all quit after we learned to play "heart and soul." I've been wanting to hear Dommer play. Today I did. She is SO talented. I could have sat and listened to her play all afternoon...
But we had to go collage. We've become really good at collaging together. We spend most of the time ripping pages out of magazines and getting excited when we find the perfect quote or just the right shade of green or a really great picture of wood (seriously- a great wood deck is clutch to a collage).
This process also always makes a mess.
My favorite part is that we ask questions and tell stories the whole time. Both concentrating on the project in front of us, we talk for hours without realizing how quickly time is passing.
One of our questions today: What's your favorite part of Young Life?
Answer: Times like this. Days when we just get to hang out and share life together. When we get to ask important questions and get honest answers and do what we love. Sometimes we blade, others we learn a new bracelet, once in awhile we sing songs REALLY loud on road-trips, or maybe we sit outside and enjoy the sun. But getting to do it with people we care about- that's what's important.
Just have to say that is one of the prettiest, most creative, colorful collages i have ever seen. you are so good!