2. Get a book and read while you wait to log on.
3. You goal is to get to page 23!
We've been working on our chapbooks all week in Composition. Today my students didn't get past step 2 on the list. The districts computer networks were crashing and not a single kid logged on. To say the least, it was very frustrating. As we were putting away the laptops at the end of the period one of my boys said, "Well, that was a waste of time." I said, "No it wasn't, you got to read the whole period- I love reading" (because I really do love reading and I never think it's a waste of time)
"Well what is a waste of time then?" he asked.
I thought about it and said, "watching TV, playing video games, fighting and arguing, procrastinating..."
Then I kept thinking about wasting time as I sat in my car.
Growing up I lived in the country and my hometown only had two stoplights. In college, I never had to drive more than 10 minutes to get anywhere.
Now I sit in traffic. I drive to and from school on 3 major roads. I get caught in rush hour several times a week because that's when I go to Young Life. I actually waited in line to enter a roundabout for 10 minutes today. I spend more money on gas than I ever have before. I spend about 2 hours in my car everyday. This seems like a major waste of time.
But I'm sitting in traffic behind all these cars and staring at these red lights because of what I'm going to.
Every morning I get to drive to a job where I have fun, where I get to be creative, where I work with people that are good at what they do, and where I have the chance every day to make a difference in someone's life.
Tonight I got to drive to meet a friend for dinner. Tomorrow I'll drive to a celebration. I drive to Campaigners and reunions and Club and coffee dates and soccer games and to see people I love.
I think that if I'm sitting in my car to get to all those people then it's not really a waste of time after all. It's worth all the waiting. (But I do still wish that the construction will be over soon.)
I have often felt the same way about driving. Currently I spend a lot of time in the car learning a new language through a listening learning program!