Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Wyld House

Shoe pictures will show up instantly if you start looking for #younglife or #campaigners pictures. Each pair of shoes represents a kid who is experiencing the Wyld Life community. For HSE, our shoes have been piled up in the Halkyard's foyer for the last three years. Every other week they invite us to take over their house from the basement to the upstairs as we engage with dozens of 7th and 8th graders.

In this basement leaders have eaten dinner together, grown closer bonds between adults and upperclassman, gone over lessons, prayed together, laughed often and engaged in difficult but meaningful conversations. 

In this house we've played games, announced camp trips, talked about the WL lock in, opened Bibles together, learned about Jesus and built the foundation of a community that means so much to so many people. Tonight was the last time that WL will meet together in this house. The Halkyard's are moving and we're so thankful that they let us be part of their home for so long. They have been such an important part of what we're doing together.

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