Thursday, May 3, 2018

"My friend Sarah is getting married this weekend and she was planning on changing her Instagram name to @sarmdavis after the big day. I am willing to Venmo you $5 for your Instagram name so my friend Sarah can have it. Let me know! And sorry this is so weird."

In the book the Power of Moments there is a section about how we tend to remember the best moments of an experience and how it ended. So even though I feel like my days are filled with decisions and planning and thinking about transitions right now, I'm thankful that I'll look back and just remember all of these moments when life is so, so good. 

Getting to go to Taco & Burrito Place with Smooney and Smelko on a regular Thursday night. 

Love Tanks at the Barn with YL kids and leaders who love one another so well AND we got to do it in the SUNSHINE and WARM WEATHER.

Getting to see Cassidy Ogan every single day and sometimes twice because of cadet and YL and WL.

Wyld Life Wednesdays with HS leaders who are some of my best friends and 7th grade girls who make us laugh and have grown so much in just one year.

Life is so good. I wonder what high points you'll remember about the season of life you're in right now.

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