Tuesday, October 24, 2017

"What do we do with a YL crop top?"

"Gratitude is often thought of as an intellectual concept, when really Gratitude is a small seed planted in the heart that is nurtured and nourished through acknowledging all the good that surrounds us. Good that can be discovered through the reassuring comfort of family customs, rituals and traditions and restoring a sense of rhythm in our daily routine and through the changing seasons." -Sarah Ban Breanthnach

Back to a normal week means back to my favorite normal routines like Tuesday mornings with this group of girls to prepare for Wyld Life. I'm thankful for their commitment, proud of their hearts and so impressed with how they love life and one another. 

Ellie girl visited me first thing at school with a huge smile, a letter and a bracelet for the October Varsity project. She is at the top of the list of reasons why I love coming to school every day. 

We're days away from our annual HSE YL Barn Party. This afternoon Cassidy and I got a renewed enthusiasm for the t-shirt sale. We've got 12 shirts right now but we're shooting for at least 40 by this weekend.

Our last night in Orlando, Justin and I had the best dinner at Roy's with the most amazing fried rice, potstickers and sushi. Then we went to the Disney Boardwalk and got my favorite ice-cream of the whole trip. 

Tonight we did our own sushi work and some of the pieces ended up looking like little faces. I think ours was even more delicious than our last dinner in Florida.

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