Monday, April 22, 2013


Sometimes God really loves to surprise us. We expect one thing to to happen and he flips that idea over to something we never could have predicted. We had our first 'Merica Club of the week tonight. It's not exactly rocket science that more kids = more fun. I've started expecting Wyld Life to be the more exciting event because a mass of kids continues to show up. We had less then 20 kids come tonight but God showed up and it was easily one of my favorite clubs of the whole year.
Tonight was about loving every kid that kid that walked through the door, embracing whimsy and sharing this awesome news of the hope God has for us.

Foreshadowing... toy soldiers swimming in a pool of applesauce...

We're so lucky to get to hang out with Lauren, Julia, Audrey, Brooke and the rest of these girls every week. Each of them has such an awesome story and it's cool to keep figuring out more of it. Tonight it felt like we all just got to play together and it was so fun.

We did a little 'Merican spelling...

Team Bro beasted every challenge we threw at them. Don't mess with these guys.

We practiced our shape making skills, teamwork and geography...

We had a little Carter concert. Don't you think that 'Merican Do Rag just totally completes his whole look?

Did I mention Jon and Kylie showed up tonight? #celebrities

For our 'Merican Trivia game my original idea was that each pair of partners would use a rock-filled water bottle as a noise maker to buzz in. When we were going over the plan before Club Todd said, "Why don't we just have them throw the water bottle at someone?" And once we designated Todd as the person we'd throw water bottles at we created the best game ever.

With each pair starting in their corner, Todd stood in the middle of the gym with a baseball helmet. As soon as Jacob read the question the kids could try to hit Todd with the water bottle or run up and tag him. Todd was jumping and dodging and crouching as the kids pummeled him with water bottle grenades.

I didn't expect to use up all twenty of the questions but we were having too much fun to stop. I think we could have kept playing this game all night.... I don't know if Todd would agree.

What's the most 'Merican dessert? Yes, apple pie. Which is kind of like apple sauce.

What's the most 'Merican toy? Yes, toy soldiers.

So by the associative property, what would the most 'Merican game be? Yes, bobbing for toy soldiers in a giant bowl of applesauce.

Disgusting, amazing, hilarious, gross, ridiculous, chunky...

Our last song was We Won't Be Shaken, I'm mildly obsessed. I gave the Club Talk tonight, I'll probably share it with you later this week, and then we got to sit and talk about it together before the night wrapped up. Tonight was awesome from start to finish. I love when things turn out so much better than we expect.

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