Thursday, January 30, 2014

"Hmmm. I think they're friends."

After quite the long hiatus, FBC was back today. Sometimes I'm exhausted by the end of the school day and I think I just need a break, but as soon as I walk into the LGI room with all of these kids I'm recharged. These girls are rockstars and I love getting to hang out with them. We played the Airport Waiting Game and they ran around the room screaming.

I sat in a circle with these 7th grade girls as they worked on their ombre bracelets and talked about Wyld Life and Michindoh and school. I wish I could see my 7th grade self and wonder what I would have been like in FBC. I was always a quirky, creative kid and would have definitely joined this club. Even as our attendance numbers shrink over the course of the year, it doesn't diminish how much fun we're having. I actually find that I get to have more meaningful conversations when there are fewer girls. These girls practiced smiling like me too. #thewrightsmile

Where I'm From- by Sophie Sams
I am from string, scotch tape and scissors
I'm from the white board (scratched, colorful, it was kinda messed up)
I am from bouquets of friendship bracelet string, colored and bright
I am from FBC sweatshirts on Thursdays and side pony braids from Miss Wright and C Vigs
I am from the quick learners and game lovers
From hurry up we're moving on and let's play a game
I am from a friendship bracelet is about its destination and its a friendship bracelet, not a yourself bracelet

Right after FBC I picked up Julia and Brookie to hang out. We'd made these plans over a week ago, before YL Club and the snow day happened. We've ended up hanging out almost all week long and we're okay with that. Tonight was full of stories and laughing hard and doing spontaneous weird things. We picked up Lucy from Vision volleyball and ran into some of our friends there. We got friendship bracelet string at Wal-Mart and made Lucy some interesting gluten free pizza back at home.

Hanging out with these girls reminds me of when Kid President says, "Aren't we all on the same team? I mean really, right? I'm on your team, you're on my team." I'm on Julia and Brookie's team and I know that they're on mine too. We'll be there to help look for a lost phone, to talk about the hard stuff, to be Patty Pals and run around the kitchen with Lucy. We get to make life an adventure together.

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