Monday, October 10, 2011

"Ok. I have to go. Because I can't focus when I'm talking to you and I have so much to do."

Top 10 Things That Made Today Unique:

1. A fire drill after the final bell had already rung. All 1,000 kids went out to the parking lot with all their books. Four firetrucks, one ambulance, two cop cars and 20 minutes later we finally went back into the school. All of the buses were late and all the kids were going crazy trying to figure out what had happened.

2. I got to hang out with Darian after school. We ate our favorite Huddles flavors and sat outside in the sun and talked and made top 10 lists. Today's topics: Top 10 Unique Things About You, Top 10 Pet Peeves, Top 10 Things You Wish You Had The Guts To Tell Your Friends. We really like hanging out together.

3. Discovering Bella pizza for the first time. Holy cow. How have I lived in or near Carmel for three years and just figured this out? My life has been changed for the good.

4. I got to eat dinner with Mac, Kayla, Emily and Coop before Campaigners tonight. I love that they're loyal to each other and that Coop is honest and Mac really cares and Emily is so steady and caring.

5. I got to Campaigners and we stood out in the yard for awhile talking while everyone arrived. I loved talking to my best friend David and Krafty. I loved that Mackie ran over to give me a hug. I love that Heather, Hannah and Jessie were there and all giggly and fun tonight.

6. We sang and then talked about prayer tonight. About the ways to pray and what a gift it is that we have the ability to talk to God whenever and wherever we want. We prayed together as a group before we left in a different way than we normally do.

7. Maddie made me CDs of some of her favorite songs yesterday and I just keep hitting repeat on the three Taylor Swift songs I never knew. Oh my gosh they're so great. "Ours" is my new fav song.

8. I got to talk to Mags tonight while she straightened her hair. She is so incredibly entertaining and distracting. She is going to be Dora at school tomorrow for homecoming. I wish I could see it in real life but I'm sure there will be pictures.

9. I was texting with my sister Katie today and she is really funny. I can't wait to see her this weekend.

10. I came home to roommates that had just cooked up some pseudo- Yats that I had to try. SO many vegetables. I felt healthy. I love when we're all home and telling stories and then I can hear Colleen and Cameron downstairs trying to figure out how to swing dance together.

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