Wednesday, October 12, 2011

to Sargirl, love Collface.

On my list of people I think everyone should meet in their lifetime Colleen Kelley is pretty high up there. I don't talk to her nearly as often as I should in comparison to how great I think she is. But today I got one of the best presents I think a person can get from her.

She gave me a hand-written letter of the best letter stuff--the heart-to-heart, reflective, observation, cut-to-the-truth, really love you because ______, detailed flashbacks kind of stuff. It made me laugh, it made me cry. Really. And it made me so thankful for this friend that loves me and all of the people in her life so well. I hope that I can be more like her in the way that she makes everyone else feel so important.


This weekend she found some writing on a wall that said, "I really want love to win."  Me too. I want us to spread love as often as we can. Sometimes, most of the time, it's just doing the little things. Maybe you do that by folding your roommates laundry when they're extra busy or bringing your friend a Starbucks when you know their order or calling someone up that you know just needs to talk or praying for someone that needs to be lifted up or writing a letter like Coll did for me today. You can do something to make love win today.

I wish that I could just sit and soak up all of Coll's ADHD stories and love and wisdom tonight.  But she's got to study for mid-terms and there is shortage of Adderall in the world and I'm enjoying Modern Family night with my Indy camp family.  Good thing I'll get to see her in just over a week and I plan to make time to sit down and be so thankful for time together.

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