Monday, October 17, 2011


Truth: I really love getting mail from people I love but don't get to talk to as often as I would like.

Truth: I've loved Margirl since she was a wee little Pathfinder and I loved getting to hang out with her this afternoon since she was home on Fall Break. I love that we ate cereal and looked at camp pics and talked for a long time.

Truth: Talk to Annie and Mags is just always so fun. Like really fun. Like you can probs tell from these pictures how fun they are. (And MaryClaire looks really fun too.)

Truth: I like when I go to Campaigners and get to hang out with Emily and Steph who make laugh. I love that Coop makes me think and that Kayla feels so comfortable already and Heather shares her heart and Sam is honest and Megan speaks up.

 Truth: A letter from Maeve today made me feel like I was right back in the middle of all of this. Best feeling ever.

Truth: Maeve is someone one I really respect and admire.

Truth: Looking at camp pics made me think about how much I miss these people.

1 comment:

  1. i miss you too. good thing i'll see you this weekend.
