Saturday, July 13, 2013

"Whatever happens in the circle during Finding Nemo, stays in the circle."

During check-out on Saturday morning I got to walk around and have one on one conversations with all of my Choctaw girls. I pull them out for about 15 minutes to talk about their cabin, how they're doing within CILTs, how they want to grow and just more about life. I love having time with each one of them to get to know them better.

Katlyn came up to hers holding this little frog that she caught. Hilarious. She has also gotten pretty talented at eating lightning bugs. She was my last one of the morning so we got to keep talking all the way back to the longhouse.

JZ and I both are working this stay-over weekend so we get to stay with our CILTies. Mags is leaving for a family vacation for a week and we were all so sad to say good bye to her.

Mags is really good at good bye hugs. Ellyn is really good at driving the bus.

We had a three hour rest hour this afternoon. Usually working the weekend means you get extra rest which is fantastic. I only had five girls in my cabin, the rest had left with parents for lunch, so we all squeezed on one of their bunks and talked for an hour. It feels like we never have enough time in the day to do that, but today we got to just be together. Then we still got to all take a nap too.

It was pool time after we woke up and all 100 stayovers met to go swimming.

The stayover weekend is so fun because you know so many of the people that are here. Molly was my assistant lifeguard for awhile and Chrissy got to play with little Sarah.

I love watching the Welch sisters play together and see how much fun they have just being silly.

After dinner the CILTs planned their chapel for the next morning. It's one of the really cool things they get to experience, finally being up on stage leading songs and performing a skit for campers.

While one group voted on and put together the Sneetches skit...

the other group of CILTs picked their list of songs and practiced them all together.

This weekend we just got to play together a lot which I really loved. It felt more like being a resident counselor with my campers around all the time then a CILT counselor who only gets to be with all of them for half the day.

I'm so lucky to have this job. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

We watched Finding Nemo after ice-cream sundaes with all of the campers and counselors sprawled all across the floor of Kampen Lodge. I got to sit with these girls and ask questions and hear more of their stories and laugh together and be serious and just become even better friends. Nights like this of real talk are my favorites.

Back in the Party Room we did a devotion about the lies that guys and girls so easily believe about themselves. We each ranked a list of lies and then talked about them with a small group. I got to be with Maureen, Gianna and Libby as we shared and I loved just listening to them. I feel like I'm learning so much about so many of these kids. Then back together with all the CILTs we read verses about how God knows us intimately, how he loves us and will go searching after us and how he cares so much about us. God is so good. This week I've been so thankful for devotion conversations with all of these kids and how they've challenged me to grow as well.

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