Thursday, December 22, 2016

"Consider that love letter from me. It's perfect in every way for you."

Holland, MI-- the land of magic and Hope College and lunch at Good Earth and my whole family. My Wednesday morning road trip led me straight up 31 to Holland to reunite with my family. Mom and I went downtown straight away for lunch and then visited Katie and Ellen at Hope. 

My goal for the day was to make progress on my new t-shirt quilt. I had cut all of the shirts up at Quilt Camp a few weeks ago and now we were ready to add in the fabric. 

Phase 1: figure out a lay out with the shirts (I'm so pumped to have a quilt with so much Young Life, Friendship Bracelet Club and CILTs/Tecumseh involved-- this is literally a visual representation of my life)

Phase 2: cut fabric in strips and make a plan for block borders

Phase 3: Pin, sew, iron (x4) all of the blocks

We finished the last seams late Wednesday night and stacked them all up to turn into rows at a later date.

My friend Smelko sent me a link to A Love Letter To Every Meyers-Briggs Personality Type that I'm now obsessed with. This is the love letter to my personality type...

We made a quick visit to Katie and Nick's house to give Linc and Red the Christmas present grandpa has been working on. The boys were excited to rip off the wrapping paper...

And they discovered a wagon packed to the top with building supplies-- blocks, rope, tape, pipe cleaners, ramps, arches, measuring tape, rubber bands and more blocks. THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL FOR BUILDING!

This morning we stuffed the car full of everything we might possibly need for the next 6 days and strapped Linc and Red into their car seats. The Wrights are headed for Crystal Mountain!

I got a text from my friend Mindy this morning that Molly, her daughter and my student, just won their gingerbread house contest. Molly constructed her Camp T cabin Cherokee--- how phenomenal is that?!

We made a stop at Wesco for their infamous popcorn. I had to send the picture of Red hugging the popcorn bag to Mindy because I know that Molly is equally obsessed. Ironically, Molly was hugging her own popcorn bag at the same time.

We made it safely to Crystal Mountain and moved into the cabin where we'll be staying all week. Today's itinerary included: unpacking, making lunch, playing dominoes and crazy 8's, friendship braceleting, books and books and books, naps, sledding, dinner, a bath for the boys and welcoming Katie and Nick when they arrived tonight after work.

We can't wait to hit the slopes tomorrow!

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