Friday, December 9, 2016

"Find good people and grow old together." -Billy Graham

Right after school I headed to the Myers' house with a delivery from Taco Bell for a nacho party. I missed Johnna and Mall while they were in Ecuador and couldn't wait any longer to hear stories from their trip. I love people who always have an open door to friends, who will sit down and tell you about the friends they met and places they visited, who text you after you leave and say, "Thank you for coming!" 

I headed South to pick up Lizzie. She had flown in from Colorado last night and I couldn't wait to see her huge smile and get one of her iconic hugs. We played around-- getting balloons filled, exploring Target, having dinner and catching up. Then it was off to the airport. 

Smooney arrived just before 10 from Pennsylvania. Liz and I were dancing to the sounds of Session 2's CILT cheer as Smoon walked out of the terminal. When the gang is back together you know that fun times are inevitable.

The CILT Reunion every December is all about the campers, but a by product of the whole thing is that it's a sweet reunion for the counselors too. I haven't seen Liz since our cars pulled away from camp in the middle of July and I last saw Smooney in November. Being back together is such a party.

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