Monday, August 20, 2012

Want to know something cool?

My students were really funny today and I liked being a teacher a lot. It's different than camp for sure but I'm remembering how much I love talking to kids during passing period, getting to have real conversations with kids, commentary about CNN student news and all the funny things my kids say.

Today I got letters from Sarah Scott and Hannah Blachly--two brand-new pen pals. I'm stoked.

When I went to pick up Olivia and Libby from Cathedral I passed the entire girls XC army on the hill and spotted a Camp T sunglasses tank. I yelled "Hey Kelsey Whiting" out the window but kept on driving. When I parked I was attacked by both Kelsey and Maddie Mahoney who ran away from their team hill runs to come see me. 

Then we were on the look out for more camp girls and spotted Monica Wright and Anna Gibbons. They are so precious and funny and I haven't seen them since they left CILTs early in the summer.

Olivia, Libby and I had a hard time deciding where to eat dinner but ended up at Bazbeaux for pizza. I was so excited when they became friends during summer soccer practices--Libby is one of my HSE YL girls and Olivia is a Camp T super fan. I loved getting to be with both of them at once.

Libby just started at Cathedral and I'm so excited for her to fall in love with this school like so many people I know have. There are so many cool traditions that I wish I could have been a part of when I was in High School. Olivia is just a gem and I loved getting to have a heart to heart with her tonight and am glad that I'll get to see her so much more this year.

Now Emel is sitting beside me showing me a video of the Smash book she is going to get, looking up the symptoms of my gigantic bug bite and using a random team name generator for her work team. Pink Geckos or  Scorpion Monsters?

1 comment:

  1. Pink Geckos is my vote. Also, Libby will love Cathedral! and I vote spider bite. uh oh
