Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A celebration

Today I talked to my friends Sara and Koffie who are graduating from Hope in a week. That is insane. I feel like it was yesterday that I was sitting in the SIB basement willing and listening to Senior talks and I can't believe these girls are right in the middle of it. This year has flown.

Tonight leaders and Seniors of YL gathered for a celebration. A celebration of all that God has done- answering our cries, giving us a new song, and promising to go with us into the future. I got to hear these kids reflect on their last four years of school and how they're nervous about the next four. I've only had a year getting to know them but I'm so glad I had that much. I'm inspired by their love and courage and hope and trust and how they are so determined to hold onto this faith.

Seniors definitely feel time differently and appreciate it more than the rest of us. I'm thankful that I get to share in the lives of these graduating friends. It helps me to remember how important each day is.

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