Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Best and worst day

Highs of the Day:
Love Does early this morning with girls that are so engaged
No Pants Wednesday outfits
Getting the new Jodi Picoult book from the library
Working on the new @hseyounglife Instagram
Dinner with Eshan and Audrey
Finding out more of this summer's DC staff

"Mark Schwarz, crossword puzzle editor for the New York times, says, 'We have a natural compulsion to fill empty spaces.' I like to think he means not just crosswords, but the empty spaces inside of us that come from making your way in a world that doesn't always embrace unique. I tried to fill my empty spaces with words, and puzzles, and Steve. But that wasn't the answer. Now I know the journey of life finds you someone just as normal as you, or a whole bunch of someones."


Today is also the best and worst day of the whole year.

Best because there is a group of High School kids that just found out they are going to get to be part of Tecumseh's Day Camp staff this summer. This is something they've been hoping for since they left camp last year, and for some of them a dream they've had since they started coming when they were only 8 or 9 years old. I'm thrilled about this group of new counselors and have total confidence that they are going to rock. They will give piggy-back rides, finding missing lunches and missing underwear, sing until they lose their voice, hold hands and hold hearts, lead games for their trail group and hunts for the whole unit, they'll hike to the Three House Tree House and teach swim lessons in the pool. They will inspire and love these kids so well.

It's also the worst day because there is another group of High School kids that just found out they don't get to return to Tecumseh this summer. They'd been hoping and wishing for it too. It's not because they weren't great, because they don't love camp, because they aren't good leaders, because they're not enthusiastic. They're all of those things. There just aren't enough spots on staff. I wish that we could triple the size of camp so that everyone would be able to grow up and become a counselor one day. As their counselor and as their friend my heart is so heavy for them today. I've got to believe that though things aren't working out the way they hoped and expected, God has still got them in his plan and he still has great things for them. They can't see it right now but this summer will still be a good one. You never know what could happen.

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