Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"To be fair though, I've had the cutest outfits ever on the last few days--my heels are so awesome I don't even mind."

Let's have a little history lesson. September 30th, 2011 Lincoln Wright Dekoster was born. My very first nephew, you can bet he was instantly loved. We started calling him Baby Lincoln and we've loved watching him grow in the last four years. (That tie-dye onesie though... nothing better.)

Today Linc starts school. THIS CHILD IS GOING TO SCHOOL! I can hardly believe it. He's got Batman paraphernalia stuffed in his backpack and he's ready for this whole new adventure. I wish I could be there to hear his stories when he gets home this afternoon.


Top 10 Highs of the Day
1. Reading more of For the Love by Jen Hatmaker
2. Going with KCraig and Trulock to visit the house where we'll start doing Wyld Life Campaigners tomorrow night
3. KCraig brought all of us large Diet Cokes from McDonald's
4. Jesse peed on a fire hydrant
5. Cheering on the 7th and 8th grade girls' volleyball teams at the Clubhouse (aka Fall Creek Junior High)
6. Yelling "F-A, F-A-L, F-A-L-C-O-N-S, FALL CREEK (clap, clap) FALCONS!" after every point with Trulock and the 7th graders
7. Maddie showing up to bring me Varsity money and all of her stories
8. Getting letters in the mail from my campers Claire and Lily
9. Getting more hype about the TWL Pits Dream Team with Elise, Maddie, Julia, Cookie, Rachel and Bridget by stalking the @timberwolfkitchen Instagram
10. Steps. So. Many. Steps.

Favorite parts of For the Love today...

Annie Dillard was right: "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." You decide your days should contain laughter and grace, strength and security.

A worthy life means showing up when showing up is the only thing to do.

You don't need to wait another day to figure out your calling. You're living it, dear one. Your gifts have a place right now, in the job you have, in your stage of life, with the people who surround you. Calling is virtually never big or famous work; that is rarely the way the kingdom comes. It shows up quietly, subversively, almost invisibly. Half the time, it is unplanned--- just the stuff of life in which a precious human steps in, the good news personified. 

There is a difference between humility and insecurity. 

You are good at something for a reason. God designed you this way, on purpose. It isn't fake or a fluke or small. These are the mind and heart and hands and voice you've been given, so use them. 

It has become my new mantra for life: Just tell the truth. Whatever question comes, just tell the truth. If you don't know the answer, admit you struggle. If you disagree with the conversation, don't sit there acting otherwise. Stop trying to self-preserve; that is a fool's errand... The truth is, most people respect vulnerability. We are so afraid, but truth-telling leads to life. 

Thank you, Netflix, for the fifteen seconds between episodes to decide if I'm going to do anything with my life today. The answer is inevitably no, but nobody can say you didn't give me the option.

People, I declare "mostly good" a raging success.

This is one of those books that's just stuffed with really, really good stuff. Go get a copy of your own so we can compare notes and talk about it.

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