Sunday, March 22, 2015

Guess the counselors: Pizza Enthusiast. Gr8 Dane Luver. Diet Coke is my water. I've been told I'm intimidating at first, but I believe weird is a side effect of awesome.

"My favorite times of the year are when our lives overlap." It was a weekend full of overlapping. 

1. Friday night I drove up to Lafayette to have dinner with sisters Kristen and Lauren Johnson. They had just returned from their Spring Break trip and I was so happy to see them. These girls were CILTs Session 2 last summer and this year they'll both be working Day Camp. We devoured Chipotle and talk about life for hours and wished that Smooney was sitting at the table with us. 

2. Our small group time at Club on Saturday prompted Sydney, Mer and Lauren to come to church with me on Sunday morning. They'd never been to Northview before so I picked them up and we filled up one of the front rows where Hannah joined us too. 

3. I got to hang out with my friend Chloe Green this afternoon. We got large Diet Cokes before walking around a park and then sitting and talking. Chloe is one of those kids that has wisdom beyond her years. She asks beautiful questions and has a deep longing to learn and to grow. I care about her opinion and unique perspective so I asked her to be part of a little experiment. I gave her the list of kids going to Young Life this summer and asked her to create the cabin groups. I was curious about who she would group together and what she would think was best.

4. My friends Julia and Hannah showed up at my apartment, as they have a habit of doing, to hang out for awhile. This pair has become such better friends this year and I love how they take care of each other. We will definitely miss Han next year.

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