Wednesday, August 31, 2011

#forkathy #itdoesntgetmuchbetter #cantstopsmiling #forever friends

Wolf Shirt Wednesday lives on. All the cool kids, like Molly Henry, are doing it. At least 8 kids in my school were wearing them today. 

Last week I got to hang out with Mel and CILT girls at Noodles. This week I got to hang out with Session 3 girls for dinner and then to watch Kath's soccer game. Right when we got there Olivia Odle spotted my wolf shirt, then our potholder headbands, and then realized it was her camp friends. She ran to hug us and turned around to get her own potholder headband out of her backpack.

Kelsey, Maddie, Haley and Molly are really good friends. They made posters for Kathy, screamed her name every time she got close to the ball, and jumped up and down like they were cheering for the CILTs on Friday night sports.

The soccer field was the most grass I've been around since Main Field so we had to take a jumping picture. We took this in one try-- Olivia, mad picture taking skills. Girls, mad jumping in unison skills.

Maddie is really good at cartwheels and Kathy is a soccer MVP.

During half-time (do you call it half-time in soccer?) we did some camp move dancing...

some CILT cheer screaming...

some group photo taking...

Yesterday, a different camper told me, "I really miss camp tonight. Like more than normal," and I thought, "Yes, me too." Sometimes you just need to be around people that make you laugh and are proud to wear potholder headbands and don't think wolf shirts are weird and cheer really loud for their friends even if people look at them strangely and do cartwheels just because they can. I'm glad I got to bring camp to the real world with these girls tonight.

And when the game was over we even got to talk to soccer all-star Kathleen for a minute before she had to peace out to go start on homework.  My high of the day was easily the time I spent with these girls tonight. No question.

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