Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"So how bout them CILTs?"

It's amazing how much time I have now that I'm not constantly surrounded by children. Well, I am still surrounded by kids all day long from school to Young Life to hanging out with High School girls... But I'm finding time to do two of my favorite things again--send letters to the people that wrote me all summer and write top 10 lists.

One of my favorite moments at HSJH today was watching one of my new little girls skip all the way down the hall. Kids just don't really do that. A teacher I was standing with said, "That looks like a girl that will do your bracelet club." I smiled and said, "I know! She is so fun." The girl dropped her calculator, stopped skipping to run back and pick it up, and then continued skipping to her next class. "Yep," he said, "she looks like she'll be one of yours."

After school I drove to meet up with Molls and Erin O'Farrell for Huddles and craft. I was so excited to spend time with two of my very favorite people who are so intentional about conversation and fun and being real. Our craft ended up being more list-making, which all of us really like.

Our lists "Top 10 Things I'm  Excited For This Year" and "Top 10 People I Miss Right Now" made me equally excited for what is yet to come and anxious to connect with all the people on my list.

And I got to meet Erin's dog. Love dogs, especially giant ones.

YL paint wars were cancelled because of a storm so I got to go home for the rest of the night-- a rarity for me. I got to eat frozen pizza, laugh with my roommates about things like arch enemies, curling irons, donut buns, and coffee club, watch an episode of Pretty Little Liars, and remember what it's like to just sit still for awhile.

I've been living with Colleen and Emel for a week now and I love it. They're the kind of people that everyone wants to be friends with. They don't stop laughing when they're together and I love how they feed off of one another with their stories. I'm so excited for this year. 

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