Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Wednesdays are usually a boring day. But I think that day could be a lot better just by wearing a wolf shirt."

Wolf Shirt Wednesday has come to Junior High. Holla.

I put my wolf shirt up on the board and told my students all about the evolving tradition. I told them that four girls were wearing wolf shirts at our school today and they should do the wolf hand sign when they saw them in the hallway. They then wrote about what they thought of Wolf Shirt Wednesday or about something weird/funny/strange they do with their friends.

"I can see wolf shirt Wednesday eventually happening in New York. Then people would get to go out and be wolves in the city. I can picture giant wolf balloons going down the street."

Some of the weird things they already do with their friends: volleyball on the trampoline, starting a Lego trading business in elementary school, fake mustaches during a soccer game, telling fortunes in a closet, National Hug Day, and watching Spanish TV for three hours while wearing sombreros and eating tacos.

After school the new Junior Leaders of FBC came back across the street. I hadn't seen most of them since last May and they were screaming and telling stories and giving hugs and running through the halls they were so excited. It was the first time since camp that I was with a cabin-sized group of kids that really knew me like campers do. It was so fun.

We put posters all over the school, so sign-ups can start tomorrow, and I taught the girls to make potholder headbands. We think they're a nice compliment to friendship bracelets.

Other highs of the day:
1. Parent night-- It's like check-in day at camp meets speech competition. I love it.
2. Talking to Arielle- Oh my gosh I miss this girl. Her voice sounded different on the phone but it was so great to talk to her about all of the important things. 
3. Skyping with Sar and her new YL girls- Oh my gosh I miss this girl too and am so glad I get to see her in two days. But it was just really cool to see her with this new group of people and be able to kind of picture a part of her life there.

1 comment:

  1. wolf shirt wednesday participant spotted at the des moines Target. i laughed out loud in the store because i was so shocked. the trend is sweeping the midwest. good work sar.
