Monday, March 4, 2013

"If anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things."

Our relationship series came to an end tonight. We faced off with girls on one side of the basement and boys on the other. Taking turns, we shared our answers to the questions the opposite gender had asked us in the very first week. At first no one could react, just actively listen to what the other side had to say. Sometimes funny, a few surprising and many about things that never really get talked about-- it was interesting to hear all of the responses.

Then we asked the kids to respond by starting their sentence with "I'm sorry...", "I will commit to...." or "Thank you..." Leaders piped in a few times to give their input or redirect the conversation but for the most part, it was all about what the kids had to say. The whole series was built on helping us more clearly understand the three flames of love that God intended for us and to think through how that translates to our lives. I hope that we have a clearer view of what that means and what we deserve.

We're starting week 4 of the Lent Project. Remember, it's all about shifting our focus from ourselves to Christ. I'm so encouraged by the feedback I'm getting from people who are participating. People are really reading the bibles, kids are telling me they'd never given Christian music a chance but now they love it, we're lifting people up in prayer. These practices of living out our faith in real tangible ways are changing us from the inside out.

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