Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today's Letters

Have you heard of the blog Today's Letters yet?

Dear 8th Grade Bible Study Girls, I loved getting to hang out with you this morning--even if it was insanely early. I'm so excited to get to read Love Does with you this year and to grow in faith and community together. Your dreams for this group and input this morning was awesome. I can't wait to meet again.

Dear Kevin the Wolf Shirt Man, Thanks for sitting next to Maddie Bien in class today. We're really glad you decided to go with the wolf this morning, even if you didn't know you'd be celebrating one of our favorite weekly holidays. See ya next Wednesday.

Dear Moving Crew, Thanks for carrying everything into my parents' new Holland house today so they didn't have to. You were all so quick and efficient--way to be. Mom and Dad are so excited to have everything there and really start making it feel like home. I can't wait to visit.

Dear HSJH Teachers, Thanks for making our school such a fun place to work. It's the round offs you do in class, your yelling down the hallway, the way you say "Hello friend!" whenever you see me, our lunch time conversations and your love for these kids that make you so great.

Dear Annie/Kay/Sar/Amanda/Maddie/Erin/Will, I'm really glad we all got to eat dinner together today and hang out. You are each so great and I can't believe you're Seniors. It's so fun to hear about how you're running your schools, thinking about applying for DC coord and freaking out about college applications. Keep loving life-- you know, like putting bubbles in fountains and starting a war between the Juniors and Seniors.


  1. Aww I love you and all your amazing life stories! You're the best sarah! Seeya.soon! (;

  2. i like this. I want to journal like this.

  3. i really like this. i want to journal like this.
