Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"If I had hair like yours I wouldn't be nervous about anything."

This morning I got to see Hallie and Caroline at the start of chapel. Some days I'm nostalgic for the time before villages were created and everyone was together all the time. We'd have Trading Post with Pathfinders and Braves playing on Ft. Disco, all camp swims and you'd see all your friends all day long. Then I remember that if we went back to that so many fewer campers and counselors would get to be here all summer. 

It is a beautiful thing when we're all together in one place.

I'm thankful for the bonds of friendships that develop so quickly like with Jack and his new cabin. I'm thankful for the friendships that last for years like with Taylor Fischl.

Day Camp shadow day is one of my favorites because I get to see my old campers like Kat, Maddy and Diggy all in action as counselors with their trail groups.

They are phenomenal and their campers love them.

The other reason today is awesome is because I get to see the CILTs jump in to something totally new and go crazy with their new kids having so much fun. Megan, Haley, Colleen and Lauren were all so excited to get started.

Meet the triplets. Wendts of CILTs 2013 Session 2 on the left. Johnsons of CILTs 2014 Session 2 on the right.

Triplets intermixed... Claire, Kristyn, Blake, Evan, Lauren and Kiley.

Warring triplets. Actually they all got along really. We put a Johnson triplet in each of the Wendt's trail groups today.

It's Sophie's first week of Day Camp and I loved seeing her chase around her campers today.

I still have some friendship bracelets to pass out and I've developed some fun games to get it done. Today I became friends with Griffin and he helped me pull of some shenanigans and tricks. First we put a rolled up bracelet in his shoe and he had to go ask a counselor to help him get the "rock" out. Later we tied it to a fence at the mini farm and he brought over a counselor to show her the cool thing he found. We stuffed one in a potted plant he showed a counselor the cool "bug" he found. All the counselors passed the test and almost all of them knew it was from me right away.

I played at Ft. Disco with the Rangers for awhile as they played Cops and Robbers and ran all over the place.

I found Bunny, a little girl who comes to December Quilt Camp, running around.

After lunch everyone headed over to the pool for swim lessons and free time. 

Oh my gosh I love 5 year olds so much.

Day Camp day is also awesome because there are SO many people to play with their campers. Looking out at the pool, every kid has someone swimming around with them.

When we made it back to the Longhouse this afternoon there was a HUGE care package waiting from our friend Kerri. Inside we discovered several different care packages for people at camp.

We quickly opened the one labeled for the CILT Counselors and Odle. I'm most excited about my new pedometer and can't wait to start measuring my steps all over camp.

Tonight Smoon and I hit up Chipotle, classic Sarah move, with Maddy, Diggy, Olde, K Max and Kristen. All of these girls were once CILTs and I love being on staff and being friends with them now. They're hilariuos and fun and nice and super weird and the kind of people you just want to be

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