Saturday, January 17, 2015

Julia's Bday!

My favorite part of Julia's 16th birthday was taking pictures at her mom's studio, Studio 116. I always love the athletic posters, Senior pictures and family portraits that I've seen Janelle create, but it was so fun getting to be on this side of the camera. 

Anne, Leah, Maddy, Olivia, Chloe, Hannah, Olivia, Brooke, Katy and Hope are all such beautiful, fun, kind, entertaining girls and I love getting to share life with them. 
This party was especially fun for me because even though these girls are from all different parts of Julia's life I overlap in all of those different parts too and call all 11 of them friends.  I promise it was just as fun to take the pics as they look.

Katy and Hope really love the camera.

Katy and Hope became friends with Julia about this time last year when we all stood together at a basketball game in the stands. I told them they'd love each other and quickly they were real, hanging out kind of friends. They make each other's lives richer.

I'm so thankful for Julia and the person she is in my life. She sent me a letter while I was at camp the summer after she was in 7th grade. She wrote about how she wanted to come to YL camp the next year and that we'd be friends. Whenever I want to go on an adventure, introduce friends, be crafty or just sit and watch Netflix I know Julia will be up for it. She lives life to the full, takes care of people and lives with integrity.

Julia's a strong member of the YL team and will be part of the CILT Pack this summer. Can't wait to go to Castaway and the Longhouse with her.

Few people make us laugh as much as Chloe and Brooke. They're kind and genuine and goofy as heck. They're two girls I wish I could see more often.

Julia and Brooke went to Jr High together but didn't become great friends until they were in my cabin at Michindoh after 8th grade. We've celebrated all of our birthdays together, had more fun at Sharp Top, chugged Red Bulls, played on snow days and had more adventures together. I'm such a fan of them.

The photo shoot wouldn't be complete without some weirdness. Katy and Hope might have tried to keep these umbrellas and Chloe can't wait to find out the gender of Brookie's baby. I love these whacks. 

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