Monday, January 12, 2015

"Legally an adult, personally a teenager." SNOW DAY

Surprisingly the freezing rain and snowfall didn't give us just a delay this morning but a full fledged SNOW DAY! After my solo snow day last week (just me and Olivia Pope) I decided today needed to be much more social. I got a hold of the whole fiesta crew and we ended up all being together. 

Since we all slept in this morning we didn't end up gathering until lunch time. We carpooled to McAllister's and packed a booth with our friends. Ciara soon joined with her giant math book in tow, though I don't think she ever opened it.

We hung out at my apartment all afternoon in hopes of watching movies and crafting. Knitting is Katy's life now so she worked on a headband while Julia and I stuck to friendship bracelets. Ci and Grace don't really craft but we don't mind that. 

I was pumped when my friend Molly came over and brought her 3-year-old nephew Blake along. Usually quite the talker, Blake barely spoke but had this little smile on his face the whole time.

Molly pick our first and only movie, the Summer 2014 Tecumseh video from last year. We played a game while we watched by keeping track of points for Maggie, Ellyn, Arielle, Tucker, Moll and I. One point for every picture and two points for each video appearance. It was like a very intense game of Where's Waldo shouting out, "2 points for Ellyn!" "1 point for Arielle and Sarah!" Next time we think we need to keep track of points for Liz Koch, Abby Bien and Claire Smedley.


Today was a rare and beautiful occasion because all seven of us were together at once. Never before has this happened. Julia is a Sophomore but the rest of the crew are Junior girls that don't come to YL, but I've just been friends with since their Junior High days. These are six of the greatest HS girls that I know because of the way they love one another.

We played Dicecapades for awhile which showed our competitive, artistic and thinking sides. Not surprisingly, I discovered if we ever play Cranium together I'd want to be on Grace's team.

It didn't take long before we started falling on the ice outside. The snow that had been slush in the streets that morning had refrozen into black ice. Ciara wiped out and Abby peed her pants from laughing so hard. Grace and Hope soon followed in landing on the ground.

My girl Maddie was home next door and she came outside to say Hi and take a couple pictures for us. Making this snow day a hang-out-with-your-friends day turned out to be quite the success. I love their goofiness, laughter, quirkiness and the way they're genuinely kind to each other.

And oh holy are these girls fun. There's never a dull moment with them. They make me think of the chapter Puppies in Cold Tangerines, "When I think about how God made us to live, when people talk about true community or true intimacy, I think of them, this lovely, bizarre group of teenage girls who came over unannounced and never left when they were supposed to, who let me into their fears and their secrets, and cared about my fears and my secrets. They loved me with a force that I think only comes with youth, a wide and fierce and expressive force, and I loved them with that same love, because being with them let me live like I was young." Shauna just writes my life.

Of course we got hungry again so we ended our day with a feast of milkshakes and french fries at Steak n' Shake. Hope and I wrote down lists of things that reminded us of each other, Ciara finally worked on her math, Katy and Grace stressed about posting pictures and we all talked a little too loudly. Making up this day in May will be worth it because today was so fun.

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