Sunday, January 25, 2015

"This just in-- I convinced my brother that I am hiding a dog in my closet."

Highs of the Day

1. Church at Northview with Hannah Conrad-- I love that she has come consistently with me this year. The Handle It! series finished with Handling Anger and it gave me some things to think about. I'm most likely to get frustrated or angry with my students but that's something I want to manage and model better ways of reacting.

2. Lunch date with Rachel Yuska and Maggie Kroeff. This pair is just phenomenal. I'm so pumped that they both applied for Day Camp and I'm anxious for them to hear back in the next few weeks. They're heading off to college next year so they're waiting for admissions letters and talking about where they want to go. These two are just so humbly confident and beautifully enthusiastic about their lives.

3. Abby is the one and only girl in the HSE/Fishers Co-Ed Intramural Basketball League. Tonight Grace, Katy, Julia, Hope and I went to cheer for her. We went wild in the stands every time she scored a point. Abby's team ended up winning the game which was pretty sweet.

4. Grace decided to dress like Julia and I tonight. She said her frocket looked like something we would wear and she brought her 7 friendship bracelets so we could help her pick one that matched. Of course Julia and I made her wear all 7 of them just like we would.

5. Glennon Doyle Melton is so wise. I love her words. She wrote this post on the Storyline Blog about how to be liked. Here's just a snippet,

"I really, really think the secret to being loved is to love. And the secret to being interesting is to be interested. And the secret to having a friend is being a friend.

Maybe we just have to show a little interest. Maybe the surest way to be liked by people is simply to like people.

But that's a risk right? To openly like someone? To admit to someone: I like you. I'd like to spend time with you today. It's a risk to rejection. It's vulnerability. It's brave.

Be brave today. Like somebody."

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