Tuesday, October 25, 2016

"Because of camp I am who I am today."

Mike Lang is brilliant once again. After our #tecumsehtuesday campaign of shouting out the people who have inspired, loved, encouraged us at Tecumseh, he came up with another winner. Today's Instagram feed was filled with posts beginning with "Because of camp..." Counselors, campers and full time staff took a moment to reflect on the ways Tecumseh has directly influenced their life from caffeine addictions to best friends,  finding faith to what it's like to be a human sundae and everything in-between.

Because of Camp Tecumseh, thousands of lives are impacted every single summer. Starting with 5-year-olds in Day Camp, we're teaching people about living a life that embraces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. In River Village and Lake Village we make sure we laugh daily, pray often and focus on the the things that really matter most.

At the Annual Dinner at Tecumseh a few weeks ago, it was pointed out that because Tecumseh is changing thousands of lives, we're literally changing the world. There are Tecumseh alumni in every state and on every continent. Tecumseh counselors fill dozens of schools in the US. Camp T kids are in hundreds of schools here in the midwest and around the world. And if all of us are taking what we learned at Tecumseh with us, shining this authentic, relational, Jesus-filled light then the world will be changed because of camp.

Did you know that #tecumsehtuesday has a friend named #postawildernesspictuesday? Though quieter, it's just a nostalgic, scenic and relational. My girls were all missing the trail today-- How could they not?

Walking for miles and hours through willows, drainages, valleys and forest...

Finding Goose Lake after days of hiking...

Spending every waking (and sleeping) moment together for six days...

And sharing one of the most unique, challenging, awe-inspiring experiences of our lives.

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