Monday, October 31, 2016

"And what was the most important day of Michael Jordan's life? Yes, when he got a $3 burrito at Chipotle and dressed up like himself from Space Jam."

Today is the day-- trick or treaters abound, Chipotle is selling $3 boo-ritos and costumes are everywhere. Last year I wrote about why Halloween feels a bit anti-climactic. But today I embraced all that is silly and fun.

I threw on some overalls and snagged a Tide Pod, 50's girl and Patrick to go to the land of burrito bowls. We sat in the parking lot and I read them Shauna Niequist's post Why I'm A Halloween Person. (You should read it-- totally worth your time) 

Life is full of opportunities to love someone well by loving their thing, not just your thing, by stretching across your preferences and opinions and comforts.

It’s so easy to love people who like all the same things you do—who never listen to music that makes you cringe, or who believe all the same things you believe. But love sometimes asks you to lay down your preferences, and dive into someone else’s world for a little while.

Sometimes that world is full of fake spiders. Sometimes it’s the ballet or country music or Russian novels. Sometimes it’s staying quiet when you want to talk, sometimes it’s giving space when you want to rush in. Love asks what’s best for the person you love, not what’s best or most convenient to you.

I want to be a friend, a teacher, a person who loves like that-- who will put down my preferences to love what someone else loves. Easier said than done right? But those people, the ones who do this well, are the ones I love spending time with. It's not that they let people walk all over them, but they can embrace any situation, celebrate your celebrations and make you feel loved and known.

Today I passed out candy and glow sticks, laughed with friends, sent letters in the mail and dressed up. It was a good Halloween my friends. I hope your day was a party.

Honorable Mention Blog Title:
To a kid wearing sombrero and poncho: "What are you dressed up as?"
Kid smiling: "Donald Trump's nemesis."

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