Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"Miss Wright, guess what I did last night... I played hopscotch with my dog!" #onlychildpains

The last day of school before Christmas Break is a big deal; a celebration intermixed with turning in last minute projects and trying to focus in class when all you really want to do is get to Christmas cookies and sleeping in and watching Elf. There were more ugly Christmas sweaters, more hair bows, more gifts being traded in the hallway, more kids eating candy canes even though candy is illegal--today anything goes.

On the last day of school all of the teachers participate in a Santa hat decorating contest. We all start with a plain hat and then can do anything to it.

Step 1: Make a giant potholder headband rope the length of one bag of nylon weaving loops.

Step 2: Sew previously mentioned potholder headband rope onto Santa hat in coil like fashion.

Step 3: Hot glue buttons to the brim.

Step 5: Attach friendship bracelet collection.

Step 6: Win first place. Or tie for first place with the art teacher that melted crayons on her hat. Either way, be really excited about your crafty success. Holla.

Because we don't have school tomorrow we would be missing FBC so I decided to have a FBC Christmas party today instead. Snacks were encouraged and oh my did those girls deliver.

We had a picnic on the floor together with mountains of baked goods. I had everyone go around and say what they were most looking forward to about Christmas break.

I love hanging out with these kids every week. This hour feels like I'm bridging the gap between being a teacher and a camp counselor. For this chunk of time I don't have to tell anyone to sit down or be quiet, to ask for missing homework, to explain how to write a thesis. During FBC I get to know these girls and sing songs with them and laugh at all the weird and funny things they say.

I love that Madison and Taylor made a tye-dye cake just for fun. I love that Jenna is always figuring out a new pattern. I love that Grace and Mikaela swing dance together to country songs. I love that Maddy is so hipster chic. I love that Natalie wants to catch up about what's happened in the past week. I love that Malayna, Daphne, and Sarah are all so helpful and goofy and creative.

Right after school I went to Starbucks to meet Taylor and Dom. Tony, barista extraordinaire and fellow Young Life leader, asked us to pay him a visit. I tried a passion tea for the first time and the girls got their favorite treats. Tom showed up for a salted caramel hot chocolate and sat down to tell us about a Christmas laser light show where grandparents pass out cookies and milk, Long's donut store and the view from Busch stadium, and the brain museum that has shelves of jars to look through.

p.s. These people can't take a serious picture if their life depended on it.

 Molls took a study break to have a dinner date and I surprised her with her finished quilt. It took a couple minutes to register that it was her quilt spread out on my bed but then she shrieked for a full minute with excitement. New quilts will do that to ya. I really love pesto cavatappi and Molly and talking about plans for break and singing songs really loud in the car when she changes the words so they're applicable to our lives.

And just when I thought I couldn't pack any more excitement into the day, Sarah Scott came over, fresh home from Nashville, to bake chocolate chip cookies, tell me about how she saw Taylor Swift in a coffee shop, avoid taking pictures, watch Love Actually, show me new addictive blogs, and remind me of how great she is.

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