Sunday, September 15, 2013

"If you can guess my birthday I'll go into jail for the rest of the night."

I forgot to tell you I had breakfast Saturday morning with these gems, Odle and Katherine. We went to Patachou because when is not a good time to go to Patachou? Even though we live in the same city it had been far too long since I'd seen them last. I'm glad we got to reunite this weekend.
Sunday morning I got to be part of KCraig's plan to bring some of our Young Life girls to church. KCraig and her daughter Alex picked up Sam and Genna while I picked up Oliva and Julia. We all met at Northview for the early service. None of the girls had been here before and they were blown away by how un-churchy the sanctuary looked.

They're starting a new series about home and belonging and identity. After the songs, sermon and a special really cool music videos the service ended and Genna said, "That was a lot like Young Life." Northview and other mega-churches like it are so good at grabbing the attention of the audience and relating to them in authentic and meaningful ways. The girls were excited about what they had been a part of and Sam said, "It felt like they were really talking to me." We were so excited about church we took a picture on the couch on stage and the girls ran up to the first balcony.

The seven of us went to Panera to meet Big Daddy and Jesse for lunch. We pulled tables together and ate and laughed and were maybe just a little bit too loud. It was such a good morning together.

Tonight Julia came to help me baby-sit. Mia and Tyler are the kids of two veteran camp counselors and this weekend they had three more kids of family friends visiting. Julia and I got to hang out with all five of them for the night.

I realize I hang out with kids pretty much all day long every single day, but my kids usually range from age 11-18. Tonight we were playing with kids ages 2, 5, 6, 8 and 8. We ran around in the yard, put make up on Julia, played with a helicopter in the cul-de-sac, ate a pizza dinner together,watched some Sponge Bob and ran all over the house. Tonight was really fun and I'm glad that I had Julia there with me.

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