Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"I think that a tell tale sign if I'll like someone is if they also love animals. My theory is lost on you. You're still a favorite of mine."

Late last night when the CILTies were all fast asleep, the counselors yarned the cabins and created a giant web in each room. Luckily, none of the campers woke up till morning. They were shocked when the alarm went off and they were tied into their bunks. 

You know those spy movies when laser beams cross the room and you can't touch them? It was pretty much exactly like that.

Today, Wednesday of Week 5, is the middle day of the entire summer. Everything goes Wacky around here. The first official order of business was to dress up for flagpole with a theme like we do for Opening Campfire on Sunday nights.

*This session of CILTs is probably the most talented group of friendship braceleting campers that you've ever seen. Many of the girls brought enough friendship bracelets for everyone in the whole group.

Breakfast was nuts-- flies, cheers from every Unit in camp, silly outfits and then High School Musical songs over the speaker during clean up.

Somehow I ended up on Liz's shoulders.

 Ain't no party like a Party Room party.

J, Renee and Elijah made a guest appearance in chapel in "God is coming to your hobo dinner." They're pretty good actors.

The CILT Pack dressed up this morning as the full cast of Peter Pan/Hook.

We have the pirates...

Tiger Lily's indians...

 the Lost Boys...

and all of the main characters. Can you figure out who they are?

After all the fun with glitter Session 2, we just couldn't resist Glitter Bombing this group too on Wacky Wednesday.

There are few things prettier and more magical than a rainstorm of glitter.

The CILTies are sufficiently glittered once again. Did you know that we're still hearing from CILT girls who are back at home that they're still finding glitter in their hair?

This is the most fun you can have laying on the ground.

Once we got up to the Leadership Center our first job was to go downstairs to Quilt Camp to perform our cheer.

We went outside to do keypad and the 12 foot wall.

 It rained for about the second half of the wall which was wet and semi-dramatic like a scene from a movie and semi-just-really-dang-cold. But CILTs are champs and they made the most of it.

Our lunch at Lake Village is always exciting because we get to see Warrior and Pathfinder friends like Sarah Ryan, Cari Gaffigan, Caroline, Carolyn and more.

It's extra special for Warrior CILT girls like Lauren because they get to hang out with their campers. I loved seeing them playing in the rain together.

Ellyn is the best partner ever because before coming to lunch she went to the Longhouse to get my raincoat and umbrella because she knew I probably didn't have them with me.

In the afternoon Ellyn and I were the judges for all of the Blazer girls in the OT for their Wacky Wednesday themes. We went to Jurassic Park, the Richard G Marsh Lake...

A Ghost Town that was incredibly creepy--every single thing had been moved out of their cabin. When they finished their skit they showed us their beds on the back porch and all of their stuff in the bathroom. Now they're all switching bunks for the rest of the week.

We went to the Women's World Cup Soccer Game Japan v. USA, a fancy art museum...

Tecumseh Gothic obviously...

And even though it was mildly freezing outside we still went to the pool because nothing is more fun than swimming in the rain. 


She was joined by Farris and Jacob. All three of them did a great job of hamming it up while they jumped off the high dive in silly outfits.

Ellyn and I had dinner with camp friends at Noodles, went to Wal-Mart with Brunner Runner and then visited Bethie at Quilt Camp before heading back to the Longhouse.

Tim and Alli ran night chapel and this time we sang Keep Our Eyes Open, a YL song, which I'm so excited about. We did this crazy, arm-waving, eye-closed, two long lines thing and it was exhilarating and kind of terrifying all at once. Then we got to talk about trusting others and being worthy of trust-- both in the activity and in real life.

 Honorable Blog Title
"This is no prank, this is just bullying."
"Is it hailing?" "No, if it was hailing they would blow three whistles."

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