Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"So if you know anything about Young Life camp, it's basically just all these HS kids flirting with each other."

Today is my dear friend Rachel Phillip's birthday. She's a rock star and I've been lucky enough to know her for six years now. She has been part of this YL family for nearly a year now and she fits in perfectly. It was ironic that her birthday lined up with our annual Committee and Leader Christmas Party at the barn. Parents, kids and leaders gathered together for good food, a game of Where the Wind Blows and the one of my favorite traditions.

Taking turns, we go around the circle and share one of the highlights of Young Life for the last year. Because we're coming from so many different perspectives-- committee members, siblings, YL kids, parents, WL kids, leaders-- the answers are all over the board. Together they created a beautiful picture of what we're all about all year long. Later I was thinking on what all of these friends shared and though about how together we could write a book with all of our stories.

If I were to write a book about this past year in Young Life these would be some of the chapter titles:

Pits: Breaking dishes, scrubbing pans and laughing till we peed our pants
Devoe and Wright; the Spinnaker Dream Team
Throwing up at YL Camp: A lesson in accepting help
The Senior Girls
Siblings Club: The night when everyone showed up
Your Bagel Person co-written by Megan Cook

Asking the Hard Questions and Getting Real co-written by Chloe Green
Jib: My YL family
Dynamite Dozen: Frozen hands and out of control energy
In the Stands
"Wanna be friends?"
Roller Skating, Rock Climbing and Laser Tag: When it's worth it to stay up all night
An Ode to the Houghton's

Hot Sauce, a Broken Shin and Victory
When Your Young Life Kid Takes a Sabbatical
From Mama Bear's to the Garret's House: Wyld Life Whirlwind
What's the Dream of Living the Dream?
The Difference A Year Can Make

The Hardest Conversations
"You are loved. You were made for this. You belong here."
Filling Camp in Less Than A Day
You Do You: Being content in doing the best that you can
Why teaching makes me love being a Young Life leader even more
The Best Is Yet To Come

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