Friday, April 1, 2011

"That looks like Morgan Freeman... That's Nelson Mandela... Same thing." -First Friday

Yesterday my students were telling me all of their plans to fly to Cabo, drive to Destin, and jump on a cruise to the Virgin Islands. In a handful of days I'll be heading off on my own adventure, but today I was very content to just be home. Content to focus on the break of Spring Break. As much as I need new scenery and excitement I also need to just sleep in, sit on the couch, make a friendship bracelet, read a book, watch TV in the middle of the day, eat frozen yogurt, and not have to do anything.

We went back to Orange Leaf today to introduce Caitlin, Sar's friend visiting from Texas, to this Carmel favorite. It was packed again. Insanity and lines that wrap through the whole store.

We sat around all day before heading downtown for a pizza-eating, sign-dancing, people-watching, Colleen-running-into, First-Friday-art-touring kind of night.

I had time to sit and make bracelets this afternoon. I love finishing bracelets and tying the last knots. Next project- friendship bracelet headbands. Yep, they're going to be cool.

I bought a book at Silver In The City and just have to share this page with you.

Let's each be heroic.

While searching for a new art project for us to do I came across this picture but it had no explanation. I REALLY want to figure out how to make these flowers... and I love that cute little bud vase. So if you figure out how to make these let me know.

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