"My high of the day was all the songs at chapel this morning and hanging out with my cookout group." -Amanda
"Everything about the great outdoors-- but mostly s'mores." -Katherine
"Coming up with RFAJWD with the CILT counselors and hanging out with my nature day group." -Sarah Wright
"The papa______iyas... By that I mean the amazing memories I made with the papayas." -Kristin
"Making sporks look like Batman and singing the Batman song with Amanda." -Whitney
"Being a Brazilian." -Molly Henry
"Fabiano taught me how to make a fire." -Kathryn
"Getting a goal in Circle Rules Football or whatever sport it is." -Erin O'Awesome
"Making lots of new friends and playing with camp kids at the hobo dinner." -Katie
"Somehow making it up the hill to South Pasture (que The Script- Still Alive But I'm Barely Breathing)." -Amy
"Being reunited with camp friends." -Liz Koch
"Building a fire with Molly Brunner and hobo dinners with my outdoors group." -Ellyn
"When Matt Radding laughed at the things I said lol." -Emily Lanigan Jones
"I built a fire super fast and got to spend six hours roaming through the woods with new friends." -Emily Harlow
"Holding a snake." -Abby Bien
"Doing surgical procedures to get ticks out because it's literally a freckle with legs." -Kerri
"I really loved when the snake crawled up my sleeve. That really brought me closer to nature." -Maddy
"Building a fire and learning what poison ivy looks like." -Diggy
"It took me two hours and it was only like a foot tall but I started my own fire with the help of Emily Harlow, 3 boxes of matches and about 2 full trees worth of pine needles." -Rotto
"Singing with Erin." -Alli
"Hobo dinners and talking to new staff about what they're excited about." -Kevyn
"When I was holding the snake Keith said she seemed especially calm and relaxed with me-- aka Rosie and I are best friends." -Emma
"Getting to be part of Women's Journey planning surrounded by so many women I've looked up to for so many years at camp. And I held my first chicken EVER today!" -Molly