Saturday, December 22, 2012

Welcome to Crystal Mountain!

This week the Wright family is taking over Crystal Mountain. We're spending the better part of Christmas week skiing, playing games, drinking coffee, reading books, entertaining Lincoln and hanging out together in our little ski house.

We drove up this morning and moved in just before lunch. Plenty of time to explore, move in and find something to eat before it was time to hit the mountain.

Today just Nick and I went skiing. He's a professional with his own skis and while I only go about once a year I get right back into it pretty quickly. It was a beautiful day and the people watching on the mountain was top-notch as we rode up the ski lifts.

Our favorite run today took us around the rim of a giant bowl (which Nick dropped down into a few times) and then on a winding path through the forest. Pretty sweet.

After dinner we took Lincoln over to the guest lodge to meet Santa for the very first time. He's learned to say "Ho, Ho, Ho" whenever he sees a picture of Santa but we didn't know what to expect when he saw the real thing. Shock. His eyes locked on that white beard and red suit but his face was pretty expressionless.

First we thought we'd sit down next to him. That was terrifying and quickly produced tears.

We backed off and watched Santa from afar. Our whole family kept saying, "That's Santa Lincoln. We like Santa. Ho, Ho, Ho" that eventually Santa caught on and would say, "Hello Lincoln. Ho, Ho, Ho."

Lincoln finally warmed up to the idea of showing off his "Ho, Ho, Ho" skills but freaked out again at the thought of getting any closer. Maybe next Christmas.

There were more activities for house guests so we took Rule #4 to drink hot chocolate and Nick even made a s'more over the fire outside. That tree is my favorite part-- very Whoville I think.

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