Sunday, January 2, 2011

Broken jars

I was driving with Sarah on Friday and she said, "I can't wait to go to Common Ground." We really love that church and God feels so present there. We are lucky to have a church home that continually fills, challenges, and teaches us.

Today was kind of a New Years ADD service of singing, people in the congregation standing up to share praises, singing, communion, writing down something we wanted to be free from and leaving it at the cross, more singing, remembering what God has done, and some singing to finish up.

I was inspired by these lyrics,
"Walk by faith,
not by sight,
take a risk to follow.
You are faithful,
you are calling.
We are broken jars,
your light shines through
the scars in us."

This year I want to risk more to follow Christ. It's so easy to just become "comfortable" in my faith. I want to be intentional about reading more scripture and praying for specific people. I want my actions to reflect what I believe. I want to allow God to shine through my vulnerability and weaknesses. 

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