Friday, January 28, 2011

"Today is Friday. That just makes me feel so happy." -Emily, 7th grader

One of the things I really miss about Hope College is going on coffee dates at JP's. Several times a week I'd walk the three blocks to the familiar booths to sit with Lani, run into Casey, meet with a YL girl, or meet with my special SIB of the week. 

I was so happy to go on a coffee date with Bridget after school today.

Bridget and I met at a chapel years ago and she was a CILT this past summer. I love talks with her. She has such a good head on her shoulders. Even if life isn't perfect Bridget can still stay positive. She looks for the best in people. She dreams big dreams, works hard, seeks in her faith, loves her family, and makes me laugh. 

My friend Colleen is leaving for South Africa next week. She is taking the semester to go live with a family and work in an orphanage. I wish that I could see her in action loving those sweet children. Today I got to hang out with her and my great friend Rachel. They are quite the pair.

Par-tayyyy at the One-twen-tayyyy. Since I started Carmel Young Life I've spent many a day at the 120 for meetings, dinners, parties, and hang-outs. Tomorrow Jenna and Ellen are moving out of the 120; Jenna to our apartment and Ellen to New Zealand. Obviously we needed to have a good-bye house party. 

When I first moved here I thought it was funny that all of these Young Life people only hung out with Young Life people. But now it makes sense. They span different YL schools, they're the husbands/wives/daughters of YL staff, they're YL alumni but they're all connected in this great larger family.

Tonight was one of those chocolate-fountain-worthy, everyone-wanting-to-hold-Raelyn, Just-Dance-2-team-medley, David-accent-story-laughing, circles-of-friends-talking, stay-up-way-too-late kind of nights.

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