Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Rule #4- Take Opportunities

As soon as school finished today I met Colleen, Rach, and McSoley to road trip up to Camp to join the summer staff retreat that was going on. When we arrived they had just finished playing Empire in the Pine Forest. We met up with everyone in Whitetail and hung out till dinner.

As soon as we sat down at the table McSoley grabbed a cup off the stack and smiled fondly at it, "I love these cups. Awww. You guys got to have them all summer but I haven't seen one in so long."

It was so fun to see old friends. I almost didn't recognize Linsey Daluga when she walked in but then it registered and we flipped out.

At the end of dinner Shelby and I taught everyone to play Human Ladder. We played Lake versus River and then Boys versus Girls. Unfortunately my team lost both times.

Then Jordan introduced us to one of my new favorite games- running charades. Everyone wrote down a list of 6 titles- books, movies, magazines, newspapers, TV shows, or songs. We separated into teams and each team went into one of the Whitetail cabins. At the start of each new round a person from any of the four teams became the "reader" and stayed in the Whitetail meeting room. A person from every team became the first "runner". They would hear the first title from the reader's list and then run back to their cabin to act it out for their team. The person who guessed it right runs back to find out the next title.

Camp people are competitive. We played 10 rounds of the game. There was screaming, cheering, and plotting involved. The game ended in bloodshed. I can't wait to play again.

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