Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday Night Adventure

Early this morning I met with the 2nd group of 8th grade bible study girls at Audrey's house. I love this group and they've grown in numbers this year too to include Meric, Maddy and Rachel. They're sweet and fun and I always have a blast with them. Audrey told me, "Miss Wright, this is the best book I've ever read. I couldn't stop reading it last night." I'm so glad they're already loving Shauna and Cold Tangerines. 

The original plan this Friday was to go to the IMA with Julia, Katy and Hope. But when Julia got her 3rd concussion this week she had to back out of our plans to run around. Her family was heading down to their lake house just South of Indy and her mom invited us along as a surprise. Luckily Katy and Hope could come on the adventure too. We road tripped down listening to old school Hannah Montana the whole way. Julia was shocked when we showed up at the end of her dock.

The Dewolf's have been visiting their lake house all summer but they just go a boat today. We got to go on the maiden voyage around the lake. The radio was playing, snacks were plentiful and all the kids got in the water to swim around.

There was pizza for dinner and then Julia, Hope, Katy and I all whipped out our friendship bracelet string to knot together. They're all Varsity and such great braceleters. We couldn't spend the night so Hope, Katy and I headed out after the s'mores were finished. There was less singing and more conversation on the way home as the lightning illuminated the sky.

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