Monday, January 25, 2016

"Ok, we're just going to hold hands and walk really, really slow down the middle."

Monday mornings are for waking up early and hanging out with these 13 seventh grade girls as we read through Love Does together. Today I surprised them all with a friendship bracelet which was so fun. That's the best part of making all of these bracelets--giving them away. 

"Jesus told the people He was with that it's not enough to just look like you love God. He said we'd know the extent of our love for God by how well we loved people." This is what I aim to do and I love when I get a front row seat to seeing other people love like this. When we got to YL tonight Cassidy surprised Julia with this needlepoint just because she loves her. How freaking cool is that? 

"Being engaged is a way of doing life, a way of living and loving. It's about going to extremes and expressing the bright hope that life offers us, a hope that makes us brave and expels darkness with light. That's what I want my life to be all about--full of abandon, whimsy and in love. I want to be engaged to life and with life."

Speaking of engagement, tonight we had our own Bacherlor/Bachelorette Club at Young Life. Our guys put together some pretty phenomenal Bachelor audition tapes that Jackie pieced together as a sneak preview to next season.

Little did these guys know, they were going on a special group date to play Water War.

Beesley and Ryan flipped over a card on the human table of the other bachelors. The person with the high card got to throw a cup of water on their opponent. Beesley was on a streak and got to drench both Ryan and Mike multiple times.

In a battle of Name That Love Song, Samone blew away the competition and rang in with the correct answer on 99% of the songs. Eventually we told her she had to spin around before buzzing in because the other teams didn't have a chance.

Ryan learned to play JBieb's Love Yourself for tonight and the audience sang along like we've been listening to this song on repeat in our cars for the past two months. Or is that just me?

Jackie pointed out that every good Club has a dance party so we danced it out Hitch style with random partners down the tunnel.

Chris Harrison called and asked us to make promotional pictures for Isaiah's season of The Bachelor and Chloe's season of The Bachelorette. Will they find true love?

Bob Goff writes, "I think of church as a vibrant community of people consisting of two or more varied backgrounds gathering around Jesus. Sometimes they are at a place that might have a steeple or auditorium seating. But it's just as likely that church happens elsewhere, like coffee shops or on the edge of a glacier or in the bush in Uganda." There's definitely some church going on here...


I'm thankful for so many fantastic leaders and so many kids that we just freaking love. This is what we were made for. 

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